Overview: European coatings universities and research institutes

Coating companies need to be innovative to be successful. Looking for an academic cooperation partner to boost your research? Or are you on the lookout for a degree or PhD in the field? We just updated our overview and now included have a searchable list of 100 institutes.

Coatings Universities Europe

The overview shows 100 universities and research institutes from Europe that are active in coatings research. (Source:Gstudio Group)


The European research landscape is large and often confusing. Whether you are a coatings manufacturer, a raw materials supplier or an academic yourself, it can be difficult to find the right partner for your research.

Hidden champions

Although there are some universities and institutes that everyone in the industry knows for their expertise in this area, there are also many that are less well-known. But these can also bring important findings to light and provide new impetus. This is exactly why we have created this overview.

To get more information on any of the facilities just click on the icons on the map. An individual info window will then give you information about the name of the facility, the type of research, if and what degrees can be obtained and much more. Of course, there will be also a link to the website of the university or institute. Red icons represent research institutions, while blue ones are used for universities.

The 100 universities and research institutes from Europe listed on this map were selected because researchers from their ranks presented papers at conferences with a clear reference to the coatings industry or are authors of corresponding specialist articles. Where possible, the specialist departments relevant to the paint scene are listed. Some universities and institutes are located quite close to each other. To discover all of them it can be beneficial to zoom into the map in crowded areas.

Building on to the list

The overview makes no claim to completeness. Your university, alma mater, institute or cooperation partner is not on the list? References to missing institutions or incomplete information from the universities and institutes already listed are always more than welcome. Also references to non-European institutes are collected, for a later global overview. If you have any input please send it to our one of our editors:

 Jan Gesthuizen or Vanessa Bauersachs.

As this overview is intended to support international exchange between industry and research, universities and research institutes that do not have an English website were not included.


This overview was published originally in August 2018 in a first version with much less institutions and fewer options. Aside from adding further information nothing was changed since then.

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