Anticorrosive epoxy coating on carbon steel

A new study examines the anticorrosive behavior of an epoxy coating modified with hydrophobic nano-silica on phosphatised carbon steel.

A corroded spot on a white painted surface.
Epoxy-based coatings are conventionally used for protection against CUI due to their superior mechanical and chemical properties that determine the extended overall lifespan of a coating Image source: Blende 11 - (symbol image).

The traditional epoxy coating was prepared by the polymerisation of trimethylolpropane triglycidyl ether and diethylenetriamine. The modified epoxy coating was fabricated by the polymerizsation and mixing of trimethylolpropane triglycidyl ether, diethylenetriamine and nano-silica.

According to experimental results, the modified epoxy coatings present good hydrophobicity, good thermal stability at 250 °C with only about 3 % weight loss and the ca. 10 μm modified epoxy coating added with the most hydrophobic nano-silica shows the best anticorrosive performance with impedance of 5.25 × 105 Ω•cm2 (0.01 Hz) at 0 h immersion.

Anticorrosive performance significantly improved

The anticorrosive performance of epoxy coating was significantly improved when hydrophobic nano-silica is added into epoxy matrix. According to the researchers, adding hydrophobic nano-silica can effectively prolong the diffusion path of water-soluble corrosive medium and the hydrophobicity is able to retard the diffusion of water.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 151, February 2021.

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