Jotun launches hull optimisation programme

Jotun’s programme is supposed to enable ship operators to improve the hull efficiency, lower costs and improve the environmental performance.

Biofouling increases the fuel consumption of ships. Image source:  Michelleraponi - Pixabay (symbol image).

According to Jotun, the four-part programme optimises hull performance, regardless of the chosen coating.As the Norwegian company informs, ship operators can take full control of their operations through hull monitoring, fouling risk alerts, inspections and advisory services. They can benefit from the complete package or select only the parts that work for them.

The programme is grounded in Jotun’s proprietary fouling risk algorithm, supported by data from different sources to make fouling control and efficiency more predictable. By providing insight into issues before they occur, ship operators can take planned corrective actions. And as more data and information accumulate, best practices can be identified and implemented across the whole fleet.

Fuel consumption related to biofouling

According to Stein Kjølberg, Jotun’s Global Category Director Hull Performance, more ship operators have recognised that proactive fouling control and hull efficiency are critical to managing increasingly strict regulations, rising fuel costs and environmental performance. Jotun’s Global Digital & Data Director, Andreas Krapp, explains that increased fuel consumption related to biofouling accounts for about nine per cent of the 919 million tons of CO2 and 21 million tons of other greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by shipping annually. While he acknowledges that it is unlikely that the industry will reach the full potential reduction of 85 million tons of GHGs, he regards the Jotun programme as a genuine opportunity to help the industry make significant emissions reductions.

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