No European Coatings Show in 2021

Vincentz Network and Nürnberg Messe jointly inform that the leading exhibition for the international Coatings Indusrty has been cancelled due to continuing global travel restrictions. However, the overlapping European Coatings Conference will still take place in digital form. 

The next European Coatings Show in 2023 promises a untroubled and truly international experience with many visitors from around the globe. Image Source: Heiko Stahl - FotoDesign

Following close consultation with exhibitors and industry representatives, Vincentz Network organizer of the European Coatings Show and NürnbergMesse have decided to cancel the European Coatings Show in September 2021.The overlapping European Coatings Conference will still take place in digital form on 13-14 September 2021.The European Coatings Show will resume its regular schedule on 28-30 March 2023.

“The pandemic situation in Germany is stabilizing and the political indicators are in place for holding trade shows in Bavaria, but, regretfully, the next edition of ECS cannot be held before March 2023,” comments Alexander Mattausch, Director Exhibitions, NürnbergMesse.“At the moment, the positive outlook is not yet universal, which means international travel is being resumed more slowly than we would prefer.But for the kind of European Coatings Show we know and appreciate – a global industry gathering of exhibitors and visitors from more than 120 countries – a faster resumption would be essential.”

Digital Conference

Amanda Beyer, Director Event Management Vincentz Network, adds:“For the European Coatings Show, the exhibition venue in Nuremberg becomes home to the global coatings industry every second year.Because of the continuing travel restrictions, we cannot be sure to be able to uphold that undertaking at present.In order to hold a leading exhibition on the scale of the ECS, the decision would have to be taken now.In the interests of the industry, with its members operating on a global scale, we have heavy-heartedly decided to call the show off this year.We are pleased to be able to offer an alternative in the form of the digital Congress in September, where the international industry can meet at a virtual level to share knowledge and cultivate contacts.We will gather in Nuremberg again in March 2023 and catch up on everything we have been unable to do in recent months, we are looking forward to this opportunity to see each other again in this way.”

More information about the digital European Coating Show Conference is available at the event website

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