New podcast episode: Latest Developments in wood coatings

In the latest episode of the European Coatings podcast, we talk to coatings expert Peter Collins about current developments in wood coatings.

Sustainable Development Goals within the coatings industry are in the focus of the new podcast episode. Image source: Daviles -

Peter Collins, who has worked for PRA and now is a consultant for coatings manufacturers, discusses current technological trends and challenges for the wood coatings industry. He explains which binder technology is used for interior or exterior wood coatings.

In the podcast, you will also hear news about current research projects that deal with better prediction of the weathering resistance of wood coatings. We also speak about the challenges that the switch to water-based wood coatings entails and about the fact that waste water management is playing a greater role for coatings manufacturers.


Speaking: Peter Collins, Jan Gesthuizen / Production: Sarina Lux


This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud and many other players of your choice. All recent episodes can be found on our overview page.

Remark: This podcast is sponsored by MÜNZING.

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