Virtual conference on protective coatings

On 8 and 9 March the European Coatings WebForum Protective coatings – sustainable solutions for the future will take place. The virtual conference aims to provide a comprehensive market overview and insights on new developments in binder, additive and pigment technology.

How is the situation at the market for protective coatings?
How is the situation at the market for protective coatings? Image source: besjunior_AdobeStock

The event will kick off on March 8 with a look into the market. José Bottino from market research company IRL presents on the changes in the protective coatings market. Afterwards, there will be a presentation by Sanja Martinez, Recorrtech, on the strengths and weaknesses of current testing and inspection techniques.

Waterborne and sustainability in the focus

A great focus of the event will lie on water-based protective coatings with many expert presentations on this topic. For instance, Dominique Vandenberghe of Hexion will speak about “Waterborne epoxy building blocks designed for VOC compliant coating end-uses”. Pablo Breva, Lubrizol will present on “Waterborne polyamide polyurethanes for protective coatings”. Moreover, Denise Lindenmuth of Dow will present on waterborne acrylic-epoxy hybrid coatings for metal protection.

Sustainability is underlined in many of the talks. Thomas Sowade of Heubach will give a presentation titled “Anticorrosive pigments for (even more) sustainable solutions”, presenting green developments for anticorrosive pigments as well as their usage in sustainable anticorrosive systems.

A discussion group will round of the twelve presentations. More information on the conference is available here.

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