European Investment Fund and Fraunhofer join forces to establish technology transfer fund

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are launching a EUR 60 million Fraunhofer Tech Transfer Fund under the European Commission’s "InnovFin" programme. The fund is supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

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The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the European Investment Fund (EIF) establish a joint technology transfer fund in Germany. Source: Sergey Nivens – -

The aim is to commercialise the intellectual property generated at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft from its 72 thematic Fraunhofer Institutes across Germany. The agreement is also supported by “InnovFin”, the European programme for innovative small and medium businesses. The two partners aim to bridge the gap in early commercialisation phases to develop more high-tech start-ups in Germany and Europe.The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is an integral part of the German innovation system, the largest applied research organisation in Europe and a model for applied research organisations worldwide. This is the first time that the EIF is promoting technology transfer from a public research body in Germany.

Providing funding for spin-offs and licensing models from Fraunhofer institutes

Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer Fonds GmbH, a company specially established for this purpose, will have an exclusive opportunity to identify and finance spin-offs and licensing models from Fraunhofer institutes at an early stage of the innovation process. By providing funding for spin-offs and licensing models from Fraunhofer institutes, Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer Fonds GmbH will also create incentives for the research community to take its findings to market. Instruments for subsequent phases such as the High-Tech-Gründerfonds are already established.

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