Polymerization Monitoring: Fluence Analytics releases third-generation ACOMP

Fluence Analytics, a manufacturer of industrial and laboratory monitoring systems, today announced the release of its third-generation ACOMP product.

Third-generation ACOMP analyzes polymers during production. Source: Irina – stock.adobe.com -

ACOMP is an automated smart manufacturing system that continuously analyzes polymers during production and produces realtime insights into reaction kinetics and polymer properties including residual monomer, monomer conversion, polymer composition, molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity. Fluence Analytics installed its first two generations of ACOMP at an industrial facility, achieving more than 98% on-stream availability. Earlier generation ACOMPs, by realtime measurement of intrinsic viscosity and monomer conversion down to low parts per million levels, enabled the customer, a global specialty chemical company, to optimize batch cycle time by an average of 17%.

Towards a broader range of polymer applications

Improvements to the third-generation ACOMP include enhanced software user interface and analytics functionality, an upgraded detector train and new smart sensors. The newest generation ACOMP also has a higher temperature throughput which allows it to process a broader range of polymer applications. Fluence Analytics recently shipped the first third-generation ACOMP to a life sciences industry leader producing medical-grade polymers. ‘This evolution in ACOMP improves the user’s experience, contributes to overall efficiency, and more accurately characterizes important polymer properties’, says Michael Drenski, CTO of Fluence Analytics. ‘We look forward to using our third-generation ACOMP to optimize polymerization processes for our customers’.

Unique realtime data of polymer materials

Along with the release of the third-generation ACOMP, Fluence Analytics is launching a demo program which will allow interested companies to experience the power of ACOMP’s realtime data first-hand by evaluating specific polymer chemistry applications. Demo units will also be available for purchase. ‘We see a future where ACOMP’s unique realtime data, combined with, and contextualizing other process parameters, changes how polymer materials are developed and manufactured around the world. This smart manufacturing technology enables optimum efficiency, profitability and sustainability’, says Alex Reed, CEO of Fluence Analytics.

About Fluence Analytics

Fluence Analytics is a manufacturer of industrial and laboratory monitoring systems that produce continuous data streams. These measurements, combined with powerful, proprietary analytical tools, enable realtime optimization of process control and faster R&D for polymer and biopharmaceutical manufacturers.

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