Start of digital platform C4Buy

Performance Intermediates (PI) has launched the digital platform C4Buy where customers can buy MTBE, n-butane and 1.3-butadiene.

Complementary services keep gaining relevance in addition to product offerings. Working together with customers, experts from PI are developing digital solutions to make the collaboration even more efficient and successful. Under the slogan “We make digitalization simple,” they transform conceptual ideas into workable solutions. These include various online services to enable interaction with customers.  Customers now have 24/7 access to offers, purchase orders and invoices, and they can submit bids for spot quantities of specific PI products via C4Buy.

Digital sales platform for n-butane, 1,3-butadiene and MTBE

The module is the latest piece of PI’s growing online world. With it, customers stay informed about available spot quantities of various products. They can participate in a bidding process and know if their bids succeeded within a defined period. Products they can bid on include, e.g., MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether, an anti-knocking agent for gasoline production), n-Butane and 1.3-Butadiene. The first quantity of MTBE was sold via the platform in late 2018, followed by the first n-Butane and Butadiene quantities in early 2019. Since then, larger numbers of customers have been accessing the platform. Plans call for additional products offerings in 2019 and further enhancement of the platform. 

As next step, PI will launch C4Business. There, customers will have an overview of their business relationship with PI, they will have access to contract documents, and can participate in an interactive planning process. The first pilot customers are already testing the system and a formal roll-out is planned for this year.

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