Droplet shedding on hydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces under the effect of air shear flow

Researchers found that the behaviour of droplets of different volumes on hydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces (SHSs) varies under the influence of air layer flows.

Die Forschung beweist, dass das Volumen der Tropfen einen unterschiedlichen Effekt auf die Benetzungslänge auf hydrophilen Oberflächen im Vergleich zu SHS hat.
The research proves that the volume of the droplets has a different effect on the wetting length on hydrophilic surfaces compared to SHSs. Image source: Avenfor7 / Pixabay.

A current reserach aims to investigate and compare the behavior of droplets of different volumes on hydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces (SHSs) under the effect of air shear flow. The results reveal that the effect of droplet volume on wetting length in the case of a hydrophilic surface is different from that in the case of SHS. On hydrophilic surfaces, droplets with larger volumes exhibit greater wetting length and adhesion, whereas on SHSs, these parameters are similar regardless of droplet volume. Additionally, airflow velocity is one of the critical factors for shear-driven droplet behavior on SHS. At an airspeed of 5 m/s, droplets slide on the SHS; however, they roll on the surface at an airspeed of 15 m/s.
The research has been published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research in December 2023.

Event tip: EC Conference Functional Coatings & Nanotechnology

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