Short Course I Principles of Wood Coatings European Coatings Academy I Short Courses
The European Coatings Academy is a brandnew online learning platform for people in careers in all areas of the coatings industry.
The Short Course “Principles of Wood Coatings” is an intensive training programme that introduces historical aspects of wood coatings and systematically brings them to the current state of the art. The short course discusses solvent-based, water-based, and UV technology in a comparative and enlightening manner. This short course is a resource for comprehensive technical, marketing and idea generation. The lecture will impart basic knowledge as well as critical aspects of wood coatings. Formulators, chemists, technical service as well as sales and marketing personnel of raw material suppliers will enhance their expertise on wood coatings for their daily tasks.
Get a concise overview of an important coatings topic in 90 minutes and learn about the status quo of wood coatings. The Short Course is presented by renowned industry experts in English language, using easily understood videos* and a dedicated certificate at the end.
Speaker: Dr. Stefan Friebel
Dr. Stefan Friebel completed his doctorate in 1995 at the University of Durham (UK) on the subject of solid-state NMR investigations of block copolymers. He joined the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in 1996 and is currently a Senior Project Manager in the Surface Technology department at the Fraunhofer WKI. The main applications are exterior wood coatings, furniture coatings and plastic coatings.
Please Note: After the purchase, the buyer will automatically receive a personal access code by email to our e-learning platform EC Academy.
The price includes:
• Access to the course in the EC Academy
• Stream the purchased videos for 6 months
• Certificate
*Your access to the videos is valid up to 6 months from the date of purchase.