New film for biodegradable food packaging

Xyloglucan from tamarind seed kernel powder and chitosan were prepared using acetic acid as an oxidising agent to form a xyloglucan-chitosan film.

A tamarind fruit on the tree.
The endosperm of tamarind kernels is used to produce tamarind kernel powder Image source: ambadysasi - Pixabay (symbol image).

During the study the properties of xyloglucan-chitosan films with different loading ratios of xyloglucan were evaluated by using various analytical tools. The covalent bonds formed by the oxidised xyloglucan and chitosan were confirmed by FTIR analysis. Morphological analysis using SEM indicated the formation of a conventional covalent bond in the xyloglucan-chitosan film.

Antimicrobial activity

The water vapor transmission rate in the xyloglucan-chitosan film was reduced significantly with increasing xyloglucan ratio. Conversely, the increase in the xyloglucan ratio improved the film’s mechanical properties. Furthermore, due to the antimicrobial activity of chitosan, the xyloglucan-chitosan film exhibits intense antimicrobial activity. Therefore, the xyloglucan-chitosan film demonstrated good properties for biodegradable food packaging.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 179, June 2023.

Event tip

Bio-based systems are also the focus of the EC Conference Bio-based and Water-based Coatings on November 14 and 15 in Berlin, Germany. At the conference, you will learn about the latest developments in bio-based and water-based coatings.

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