Preventing stress cracking failure of bonded joints

The aim of a new project is to prevent the damage caused to bonded joints by additive migration by applying suitable atmospheric pressure plasma coatings in order to increase the long-term stability of bonded joints.

Cracks in a plastic surface.
Research is to be carried out into which of the additives used in established adhesives and plastics migrate out of the adhesive or plastic and can lead to the formation of stress cracks in the plastic. Image source: asifibhuiya - Pixabay (symbol image).

Environmental stress cracking (ESC) is the most common damage mechanism leading to the failure of plastic components. It is estimated that about 25% of all damage to plastics can be attributed to this mechanism. In addition to external influences, additives in adhesives can also lead to stress cracks in the polymer (adhesive-induced ESC). In addition, in the opposite direction, additives from the polymer are able to cause damage to the adhesive bond by migrating into the adhesive (adhesion disturbance and adhesive plastification).

Protective coating systems

The German Plastics Center (SKZ) and the Fraunhofer IFAM now want to work together to develop solutions to prevent damage caused by additive migration in plastic adhesives by depositing atmospheric pressure plasma coatings. First of all, research is to be carried out into which of the additives used in established adhesives and plastics migrate out of the adhesive or plastic and can lead to the formation of stress cracks in the plastic or to the degradation or debonding of the adhesive.

The aim is also to develop protective coating systems to suppress additive migration in the interface between adhesives and plastics. These are applied directly after a surface pre-treatment by means of atmospheric pressure plasma and examined for their barrier effect and adhesion properties. Interested companies are cordially invited to participate free of charge in the committee accompanying the project.

Further information can be found on the SKZ website.

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