Teknos and Brightplus develop novel solutions for food packaging

Coating manufacturer Teknos is developing a new, bio-based barrier coating for food packaging together with biosourced materials company Brightplus. The objective of the cooperation is to develop bio-based and biodegradable solutions for more environmentally friendly food packaging.

The new barrier coating developed by Teknos and Brightplus is bio-based and biodegradable. Image source: Teknos.

Paper and paperboard used in food packaging or serving are traditionally coated with a thin film of plastic which can make the recycling of such packaging problematic and eventually increase the amount of waste. The new barrier coating developed by Teknos and Brightplus is bio-based and biodegradable and can be used to replace the traditional fossil-based plastic film.

“By replacing the traditional plastic film with this new bio-based barrier coating, we can increase the eco-friendliness of food packaging products. The solution can also enable wider use of fibre-based material in food packaging”, Tuomas Aspiala, Group Commercial Manager, Teknos explains.

Second phase

The cooperation of Teknos and Brightplus is the second phase in this pilot solution, the first phase being development of the bio-based material itself. “In the second phase Teknos aims to develop, together with our partners, a commercial outcome that can be produced on an industrial scale”, Aspiala tells us.

”We have conducted R&D with Teknos for a year now and are happy to take the next step in our collaboration. In this next phase, we aim to increase the chemical functionality of the material and take a major leap forward in scaling-up and piloting the developed material. This year will ensure its commercial availability for industrial scale production”, Jarkko Leivo, Technology Director, Brightplus comments.

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