Enhancing weathering resistance of wood by using bark extractives

A new study shows how to enhancing the weathering resistance of wood by using bark extractives as natural photostabilisers in a polyurethane-acrylate coating.

Fir trees as a symbolic image.

For the study -

For the study, Chinese fir bark was extracted separately by three solvents including sodium hydroxide, 95% ethanol, and hot water, and the obtained extractives were labelled as NaE, EtE, and HWE correspondingly.

Scots pine wood samples

The ultraviolet (UV) absorption and antioxidation activity of those bark extractives were confirmed. Then, the modified coatings were used to coat Scots pine wood samples in order to enhance their weathering resistance.

During 960 h of accelerated UV weathering, the changes in wood surface colour, gloss, morphology, and surface chemistry were investigated. Meanwhile, the photostabilisation mechanisms of bark extractives were also discussed. The results showed that (1) the free radical scavenging ability of extractives was related with their total phenolic contents; (2) wood protected by PUA/EtE coating experienced the least severe surface deterioration and photodegradation during the whole weathering process; (3) the photostabilisation effect of EtE mainly resulted from its phenolic compounds, which transferred into ketones and quniones after weathering.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 145, August 2020.

Image source: Pixabay.

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