Gallic acid-derived phosphorus-based flame-retardant multifunctional crosslinking agent for PU coating

The synthesis of the multifunctional phosphorus-based flame-retardant crosslinking agent is presented in in new work.

Several matches as symbol.

The thermal and the flame-retardant properties showed significant increase with increasing concentration of GA-P. Image source: Hoppe s- (symbol image).


Gallic acid was selected as a raw material for the production of the desired product because of its availability (bio-based), multifunctional structure, and applicability of the various chemistries. Along with the carboxylic acid group, hydroxyl groups also have the tendency to react with the replaceable halogenated compounds and it was necessary to protect the hydroxyl groups by acetylation. The synthesis procedure follows acetylation, reaction with phenylphosphonic dichloride (PPDC), and deacetylation to obtain the final product (GA-P).

The formed product was used as a crosslinking agent to produce the polyurethane coatings with different loadings and various thermal, mechanical, and flame-retardant properties that were studied.

Thermal and the flame-retardant properties

The thermal and the flame-retardant properties showed significant increase with increasing concentration of GA-P which were studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), limiting oxygen index (LOI), and UL-94 tests. The coating with the highest concentration of GA-P showed 27 LOI and self-extinguishing behavior within 10 s of ignition. The mechanical properties deteriorated with increasing concentration of GA-P due to the increased brittleness and crosslinking density.

The study can be found in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, volume 17 (2020).

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