New accelerated corrosion test

Scientists have proposed a new cyclic corrosion test (CCT) for evaluating corrosion resistance of anti-corrosion coatings.

Scientists measured the water diffusion coefficients of three kinds of anti-corrosion urethane/epoxy coatings. Source: Paco Verdera – -

In a recently published work, the scientists measured the water diffusion coefficients of three kinds of anti-corrosion urethane/epoxy coatings at 20–60 °C and calculated their activation energies. In addition, the water absorption/desorption behaviors of the coatings in several CCTs, including the new CCT, were simulated. It was found that the desorption diffusion coefficients of the coatings are much higher than their absorption diffusion coefficients.

Drying much faster than wetting

It was considered that water molecules might need to push out the mesh of the molecular network to penetrate the coatings during water absorption, but that they might not need to do so during water desorption. Therefore, the dry step in the new CCT might be sufficient even though the time is shorter than in existing CCTs. In addition, the temperature in the dry step in the new CCT is also higher than in the salt fog step and humidity step. Therefore, drying is much faster than wetting. In the new CCT, by minimizing the time in the dry step, the corrosion rate of steel and zinc is accelerated more than in existing CCTs without sacrificing the approximation of the water absorption and desorption behaviors of the coatings.

Reproduce the same levels as in outdoor environment

It was also found that the desorption activation energies, 45 ∼ 55 kJ/mol, are lower than the absorption activation energies, 74 ∼ 96 kJ/mol. It was considered that water molecules widen the mesh of the polymer network more easily at higher temperatures in water absorption; however, in water desorption, water molecules need not expand the mesh. In addition, the results of the simulation of water absorption and desorption behaviors show that water absorption in three kinds of CCTs is insufficient or excessive and that two kinds of CCTs, including the new one, can reproduce the same level of water absorption and desorption as in the summer outdoor environment.

The study is published in: Progress in Organic Coatings Volume 120, July 2018, Pages 71-78.

Event tip

If you want to learn more about anti corrosive coatings you may want to attend the European Coatings Seminar “Anticorrosive Coatings” in November 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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