Novel approach of developing sustainable cellulose coating for self-cleaning-healing fabric

A sustainable superhydrophobic coating for fabrics is made by using cellulose nanofiber.

A detailed textile photograph as a symbol.

Chemists developed a sustainable superhydrophobic coating for fabrics by using cellulose nanofiber. Image source: Engin_Akyurt - Pixabay (symbol image)


Lately, self-cleaning fabrics have attracted immense attention for their greater functionality and unique self-cleaning ability against contaminations. Typically, a self-cleaning fabric possesses superhydrophobic surface.

Unfortunately, till date majority of the superhydrophobic surfaces are created by utilising fluorinated compounds or carbon/inorganic nanoparticles knowing their adverse effects on human health and environment. Therefore, a new work presents a simple methodology for developing a novel sustainable superhydrophobic coating with the aim to produce self-cleaning and healing fabrics.

Most liquid droplets rolled like round balls on the surfaces

The coating was developed using cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) as the raw material. When applied this coating on various fabrics (cotton and polyester), they became superhydrophobic with WCA of 152-156°(±3), thereby most liquid droplets rolled like round balls on the surfaces, leading to form self-cleaning fabrics. Moreover, the coated fabrics can quickly restore the self-healing property upon heating.

The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 140, March 2020.

Image source: Pixabay.

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