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ECS pre-conference tutorials on adhesives & sealants and anti-corrosive coatings impart basics of coatings knowledge.

Get your answers at the European Coatings Show pre-conference tutorials Source: Pixel-Shot -

The world of coatings is about answering questions, finding solutions to challenges, and making those solutions simpler and more cost-effective. Coatings have the task of protecting materials and giving surfaces further properties. Which coatings can perform these tasks? What properties and interactions do I need to consider? How do coatings work? Experts in the coatings world ask themselves these questions again and again and due to a lot of experience, good test methods and a diverse selection of raw materials, a lot is already possible today. 

As part of the European Coatings Show, we offer pre-conference tutorials where you can learn the basics of various relevant coatings topics. We have asked our experts a few questions and we encourage you to register and ask many more questions at the pre-conference tutorials before the European Coatings Show 2023.


Register for the ECS Conference here.


Dr Matthias Popp from Fraunhofer IFAM will present the pre-conference tutorial 2: Formulating adhesives and sealants. Adil Bilici from Byk will cover the „Basics of anti-corrosive coatings” in tutorial 9. 

What can participants expect from your tutorial on anti-corrosive coatings?

Dr Matthias Popp: In particular, participants will learn the basics of developing formulations of reactive adhesives and sealants. The focus is on structure-effect relationships. Non-reactive adhesives (dispersions and solvent-based systems) will also be covered. After the seminar, participants will have a better understanding of how to select raw materials for specific applications.

Adil Bilici: Protection is one of the main functions of paint and coatings, but protective coating is something different. Participants can expect relevant test methods, tips and tricks beside differentiation and basics of the protective coatings.

Why are you the right expert to convey this content?

Popp: For more than 20 years I have been involved in the development of adhesive formulations, both at Fraunhofer IFAM and in industry. Through numerous projects, I have been able to build up a wealth of experience on this subject.

Bilici: Not only did I formulate these paint systems, but I also had a lot of experience about many industrial applications. Additionally, I am currently dealing with the additive side, which has small but critical importance for anti-corrosive paint formulations. For these reasons I believe I can present this topic from different perspectives effectively.  

Find more information on the pre-conference tutorials, the ECS Conference and the European Coatings Show here.

What is the current relevance of the tutorial and why is it so important to always stay up to date?

Popp: Due to increasing awareness of work safety and sustainability, new adhesive raw materials and formulations that take these concerns into account are increasingly coming into focus. Responsible development in this day and age therefore means constantly keeping up to date with the latest developments in the market.

Bilici: First, people have a busy work life. If you do not use your information on a daily basis, it is rusted or not updated. That is why I believe the tutorial is important in order to remember and refresh your knowledge before the ECS.

Secondly, protective coatings are conservative and strict paint systems. Most of the time there are not many and radical changes, but if you are not up to date, you will definitely be out of this game. On that point, being up to date has a crucial importance in this sector.

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