September issue: Water-borne coatings in the focus

The September issue of the European Coatings Journal is out and focuses on water-borne coatings.

The September issue of the European Coatings Journal is out and focuses on water-borne coatings.

The forecast for water-borne coatings is as good as ever. There is significant technical development, performance is improving, and products can increasingly be used in a wide range of scenarios.

This month’s focus article looks at water-borne coatings for architectural and industrial wood applications. Daan Huisman et al. from Covestro share their work resulting in a new polyacrylate binder with 35 % of its carbon coming from biomass (page 18). They demonstrate the performance in a range of properties including hardness development, block resistance, and a warm wood coloration.

Alongside a market report (page 12) that will give you detailed insights; we have also asked Esra Bay from Dow and Michael Pokorny from Mäder about prospects and challenges for water-borne systems (page 14).

To round it all off, we hope you find the overview of the PFAS restriction proposal useful (page 46). Dieter Drohmann from Chemservice outlines key points and gives you his view of this relevant topic.

The complete issue is now also available at our data bank European Coatings 360. European Coatings 360° also provides registered users with the opportunity to conduct your research activities online via our quick and effective full-text search.

More information on the magazine subscription can be found here.

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