Bodo Möller Chemie expands agreement with BASF in South Africa

Bodo Möller Chemie South Africa is expanding the exclusive sales and distribution agreement with BASF South Africa for resins and additives.

Safic-Alcan has agreed upon an extended distribution agreement with Orion Engineered Carbons in South Africa. Image source: Ink Drop - (symbol image).

Due to the further expansion of the partnership in the field of dispersions for the CASE industry, Bodo Möller Chemie now wants to further complete the offerings for local customers. The agreement applies to South Africa and all other countries in southern Africa.

“The industrial use of CASE materials continues to grow in African countries. Owing to the exclusive & distribution agreements with our long-standing partner BASF, Bodo Möller Chemie is reacting to the growing demand of local users”, says Florian Krückl, Vice President Global Business Management CASE & Textile Effects of the Bodo Möller Chemie Group. “The growing demand for technical expertise and various services places nowadays more expertise than ever before in the hands of distributors so the number of important steps leading to the market readiness of an end product can be reduced,” so Florian Krückl.

Focusing on coatings

Coatings for the CASE industry are at the center of the joint cooperation with BASF, and the focus here is on additives and resins. “As partners, BASF and Bodo Möller Chemie have many values in common, from innovative performance, quality and reliability all the way to clear orientation towards our customers’ needs”, says Mark Hepburn, Managing Director of Bodo Möller Chemie South Africa (Pty) Ltd. With two branch offices in South Africa (Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg), Bodo Möller Chemie wants to be capable of offering its local customers the corresponding service and product portfolio as well as the appropriate advice to its local users.

To promote equal opportunity, the Africa-based branch office is accredited according to Level 8 of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment. This program supports social transformation in South Africa.

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