Chemetall celebrates the opening of a new global aluminum competence center in Italy
The Surface Treatment business unit of BASF’s Coatings division, operating under the Chemetall brand, today celebrated the opening of its new global aluminum competence center in Giussano, Italy.

In the new aluminum competence center, Chemetall bundles its expertise in the surface treatment of aluminum in one laboratory. After analyzing existing capacities, development priorities and customer and market requirements, the existing Chemetall site in Giussano was identified as the best option. The centralization of research and development activities for aluminium will enable Chemetall to develop technologies even faster and more efficiently. “The new global aluminum competence center enables us to bring new surface treatment solutions to the market faster,” says Frank Naber, Senior Vice President of Chemetall.
“The aluminum competence center at our Giussano site is a strategically important step in expanding our technological leadership. As a lightweight metal with high availability, aluminum plays an important role in architecture, aerospace and automotive engineering. Aluminum is normally used in alloys, as pure aluminum has different mechanical properties compared to other materials such as steel. Depending on the specific alloy, not only the mechanical characteristics change, but also the chemical and corrosive properties of aluminum. This fact poses chemical challenges for pretreatment solutions,” says Arjan Termaten, Director and Head of Global Technology at Chemetall.