Interview: “Tackling numerous priority issues

Representatives of the Greek adhesive and sealant industry came together to found the Hellenic Adhesives and Sealant Cluster (HASC), under the umbrella of the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries (HACI). We spoke to Panos Scarlatos from the Board of Directors.

Panos Scarlatos from the Board of Directors explains the topics of the Hellenic Adhesives and Sealant Cluster.

What was the reason to form the cluster (HASC)?

Panos Scarlatos: The Greek producers of adhesives and sealants are pleased to form the Hellenic Adhesives and Sealants Cluster-HASC, and proud to be a part of the FEICA family. The Hellenic Association of Chemicals Industries (HACI) was established in 1994 and is a full member of CEFIC ever since. HACI promotes clusters creation among its members with a common industrial activity. Another cluster in place, is the Modern Building Alliance -MBA Hellas, as well. During the last decade there is an increasing demand for chemical enterprises to be compliant with the complex EU legislation. Nowadays, chemical Industries have to meet the challenges of the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), the climate change goals, the circular economy and the digitalisation. We strongly believe in the benefits of cooperation among the members of cluster and with the FEICA.

What will be the pressing issues on HASC’s agenda?

Scarlatos: The new established cluster has set up as priority issues the CSS and particularly the CLP regulation update, the enforcement of legislation, the circular economy, their implementation is important to keep our industry competitive and sustainable.

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