Need for Innovation

At the CEPE Annual Assembly in September, Giovanni Marsili has been newly elected to the CEPE Board. We spoke about current challenges and the past year for the paints industry.

Giovanni Marsili CEPE Board
Giovanni Marsili has been newly elected to the CEPE Board. -

What is currently on the agenda of the CEPE Board?

The TiO2 issue is still dominating the CEPE agenda and now the board is committed to preparing for the impact of the proposed new CLP classification and how to react to it. Indeed, this heavy burden was not able to distract our CEPE structure from being involved and from closely following many other topics. I recently had the opportunity to visit the offices of CEPE and find a large number of activities carried out during 2019. This includes over 100 meetings covering all aspects of our business, such as sustainability and circular economy, and dossiers on standards from nanomaterials to microplastics, although, due to its relevance, TiO2 is still in the spotlight.

How would you rate the past year for the coatings industry?

In my opinion, the trend of our market – ie flat – reflects the lack of innovation in paints, especially in the decorative sector, when compared with most other markets. Today more than the past, we feel the need for innovation as the engine of change, and this new trend should start with the sustainable offering of coatings with a visible turnaround in the consumption of resources. Without this, we will continue to be seen by consumers as producers of goods that are only slightly perceived as having a significant importance, albeit with a significant impact on sustainability.

You have recently been elected to the CEPE Board, what do you look forward to?

 I am honoured to represent the great Italian paint industry. As vice president of Assovernici, the main Italian paint association, I was appointed to bring to CEPE the voice of our companies, both of the SMEs, proudly guided by tradition, and the international ones that found in Italy a suitable environment for the development of their business. Additionally, I’m a chemist, and this is not bad, especially considering the current situation of our market threatened by many restrictions coming from all sides. Therefore, I’m sure to give a good scientific contribute and valid support to the discussion.

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