Siegwerk submits commitment letter to Science Based Targets initiative

Siegwerk has signed the commitment letter for the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and is the only major inks manufacturer to do so to date.

A frog on a test tube.
The Science Based Targets initiative is a collaboration between the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Image source: FikMik - Fotolia (symbol image).

The SBTi calls on companies to demonstrate their commitments to mitigating climate change by publicly pledging to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions with science-based targets. A target is considered science-based if it is in line with the level of decarbonization required to keep the global temperature increase below 1.5°C compared with preindustrial levels. The Science Based Targets initiative is a collaboration between the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF). It has already signed up over 4000 companies, with Siegwerk being the first major international ink manufacturer to join the initiative.

“We recognise the importance”

“Siegwerk has accelerated its commitment and action towards decarbonization rapidly, so joining SBTi is the next logical step,” said Alina Marm, Global Head of Sustainability and Circular Economy at Siegwerk. “We recognise the importance of adhering to the latest science when setting our decarbonization targets, and acknowledge the important role businesses play in mitigating climate change and our own impacts on the environment.”

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