“Sustainability and recycling are at the top of my agenda”

Cornelia Tietz is the new Director of the European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA). She succeeds Dr Martin Kanert. She spoke to our European Coatigs Eeditor-in-chief Damir Gagro about the topics of sustainability and recycling.

Cornelia Tietz, new Director of the European Printing Ink Association EuPIA, talks to Damir Gagro about her priorities in the areas of sustainability and recycling as well as her plans for the future of the association. Source: malp - adobe.stock.com / EuPIA

You recently took over the management of EuPIA. How did this step come about?

After seven years at the European Solvent Industry Group (ESIG) within Cefic, I was looking for a new professional challenge that was closer to the users and therefore closer to their lives. EuPIA, as an important association in the so-called ‘Brussels bubble’, offers me this opportunity. The chance to work directly with downstream users was particularly attractive to me, as I can contribute my many years of experience in the chemical industry in a targeted manner. I am also attracted by the variety of topics covered by the European Printing Ink Association and the opportunity to play an active role in shaping the future of the industry.

What experience have you already gained in association activities?

I have been working in various roles within Cefic for almost 20 years and have been working to improve communication with downstream users since before the introduction of REACH. During this time, I have been in charge of several sector groups, including the EFCC, which was a new addition to Cefic before it became an independent organisation. I also worked for several years in consortium management and regulatory affairs, particularly in substance evaluation and authorisation at the REACH Centre. Most recently, I worked at ESIG for seven years, where I gained valuable experience in managing industry association activities.

With regard to the start at EuPIA, which topics have priority on your agenda for the time being?

Given the wide range of topics at EuPIA, it is difficult to prioritise. However, sustainability and recycling are at the top of my agenda as they are crucial for the future of the industry. Another important topic is the visibility of the association, both within the industry and towards external stakeholders. Finally, document management and archiving is an area that needs to be optimised in order to increase the efficiency and transparency of our work. These issues are fundamental to future-proofing EuPIA and meeting the needs of our members.

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