Top 25 analysis by company size: Revenue development and growth in the European paint and coatings industry

The European paint and coatings industry is characterized by a wide range of companies of different sizes, all playing significant roles in the market. A closer look at revenue development and growth reveals interesting differences based on company size. The analysis covers the correlation between company size and respective growth rates.

Revenue growth in the European paint and coatings industry: Smaller companies, on average, exhibit the highest growth. Source: -

To provide a clear overview, the growth rates for various companies in the industry were examined. The table shows the 2023 revenue along with the percentage change:

CompanyRevenue 2023 (Mio. EUR)Change in %
Akzo Nobel10,668-1.64
Dyo Boya2618.75
Frei Lacke1804.65

Revenue Changes by Company Size

To better understand the revenue changes among these companies, they have been categorized into three main groups:

  • Large companies (Revenue > 2,000 Mio. EUR)
  • Medium-sized companies (Revenue 500 – 2,000 Mio. EUR)
  • Small companies (Revenue < 500 Mio. EUR)

Large Companies

The largest companies in the industry, such as Akzo Nobel, BASF, Jotun, and Hempel, overall show solid growth, despite some individual declines:

  • Akzo Nobel: -1.64%
  • BASF: 4.03%
  • Jotun: 1.09%
  • Hempel: 8.89%

Average growth of large companies:
(−1,64+4,03+1,09+8,89)/4 = 3,59%

Medium-Sized Companies

Medium-sized companies display mixed performance. While some, like Mankiewicz (8.14%) and Stahl (6.50%), show growth, others, such as Beckers (-12.05%) and Teknos (-10.80%), have experienced revenue declines:

  • DAW: 0.08%
  • Stahl: 6.50%
  • Beckers: -12.05%
  • Brillux: 5.28%
  • Mankiewicz: 8.14%
  • CIN: 1.57%
  • Teknos: -10.80%
  • Flügger: 1.49%

Average growth of medium-sized companies:
(0,08+6,50−12,05+5,28+8,14+1,57−10,80+1,49)/8 = 0,27%

Small Companies

Interestingly, smaller companies performed best overall. Notably, companies like Meffert (11.53%), Briolf (28.74%), and Sniezka (12.66%) show strong growth:

  • Meffert: 11.53%
  • IVM: 1.59%
  • Tiger: -8.75%
  • Sto: 0.69%
  • Dyo Boya: 8.75%
  • Mipa: 8.33%
  • Remmers: -12.55%
  • Grebe: -2.24%
  • Briolf: 28.74%
  • Mäder: 1.56%
  • Dold: -3.74%
  • Frei Lacke: 4.65%
  • Sniezka: 12.66%

Average growth of small companies: (11,53+1,59−8,75+0,69+8,75+8,33−12,55−2,24+28,74+1,56−3,74+4,65+12,66)/13 = 3,91%

Comparison of Growth Rates

The analysis shows that smaller companies, on average, exhibit the highest growth, followed by large companies. Medium-sized companies, on the other hand, experience relatively low growth:

  • Large companies: 3.59%
  • Medium-sized companies: 0.27%
  • Small companies: 3.91%


The correlation between company size and growth clearly indicates that smaller companies tend to grow faster than their larger and medium-sized counterparts. This could be due to their agility, innovation, and specialization, while larger companies may grow more steadily but at a slower pace. Medium-sized companies appear to face transitional challenges, such as competition and scaling issues.

These revenue changes provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the European paint and coatings industry, highlighting the need to closely monitor both market conditions and individual company strategies.

For further information on revenue development in the European paint and coatings industry, the following rankings are of interest:

  • Top 25 largest companies by revenue: This provides a detailed overview of the largest companies in the industry in Europe. The list offers insights into market developments and the positions of leading companies:
    Top 25 of the European Paint and Coatings Industry
  • Top 10 companies with the biggest changes in turnover: This analysis highlights the companies that have experienced the largest fluctuations in revenue. It offers an intriguing look at businesses undergoing significant transformations:
    Top 10 companies with the biggest changes in turnover
  • Top 3 countries with the most companies in the Top 25: This list focuses on the countries from which most of the top-revenue companies originate. It’s interesting for those wanting to understand the regional distribution of industry leaders in Europe:
    Top 3 countries with the most companies in the Top 25

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