UK coatings industry leader recognised at BCF Annual Conference

In May 2018 at their Annual Conference, the British Coatings Federation (BCF) presented their prestigious, silver medal to UK coatings industry champion, Martin Wallen.

The silver medal was presented to Wallen, formerly of Firwood Paints, for his contributions to the growth, health and reputation of the industry. Previously Managing Director of Firwood Paints, Wallen has been a decades-long contributor to BCF Committees and Councils, offering a pragmatic and enthusiastic voice from the UK industrial protective coatings sector. In addition to his contributions to the BCF, Wallen was also the Chair of the North West Council.

Acknowledgement for expertise and probing questions

Commenting on the silver medal presentation to Wallen BCF’s Chief Executive Tom Bowtell said: “Martin Wallen exemplifies the honour and commitment to the industry that the silver medal was created to recognise. I’d like to personally thank Martin for his commitment to the Federation, and the expertise he lent us, as well as his probing questions that have kept us focussed on the issues at hand that affect our members.”

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