Uncertainty about biocides for in-can preservation

At the moment, CEPE is particularly concerned with two regulatory issues: the proposed classification of TiO2 and biocides for in-can preservatives.

Most of decorative paints are water-based, a shift from solvent-based since the time when Europe started to regulate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). According to CEPE, biocide preservatives are needed to protect them. This is a growing area of concern, as the Biocide Product Regulation is gradually phasing out effective tools without considering their benefits and the impact that these decisions may have on economy.

What exactly does the regulation imply?

The Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) concerns the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms, like pests or bacteria, by the action of the active substances contained in the biocidal product.

You can find more information here.

In a position paper , the German associationsVdL, Deutsche Bauchemie, und IVK have only recently emphasised that on behalf of labour and consumer protection a holistic view of the preservation of environmentally and health friendly products is mandatory. According to the paper, there is an acute danger that due to isolated analysis all eligible preservatives will be limited in their application to an extent that effective preservation of water-based products will no longer be possible.

At the latest FARBE UND LACK conference with a focus on new functionalities of façade paints and plastering, biocides for in-can preservation were discussed, too.

During the whole event, biological attack and biocidal treatment of water-based coatings by in-can preservation, were recurring topics.

An anonymous survey among conference attendees also showed that the topic biological attack is preying on people’s minds. When asked which functionality played the most important role in their daily work, 24% of respondents opted for “prevention of infestation”. Another interesting insight: 35% of participants chose “biocide-free systems” when asked which hype or trend they viewed critically.

Even though the survey results aren’t representative, they show a significant uncertainty and high information demand within the industry. What is your point of view regarding biocides and in-can preservation – are you concerned as well, or do you think that alternatives for raw materials threatened by limitation already exist or will be developed on short notice? I’m looking forward to your responses.

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