Uzin Utz publishes half-year figures for 2021

Despite the strained raw material situation, Uzin Utz reports sales and earnings at the highest level in company’s history.

Uzin Utz was able to report record figures. Image source: yamix - (symbol image).

Compared to the previous year, Group sales increased by 18.6% to EUR 221.7 million (half-year 2020: EUR 186.9 million). With EUR 29.0 million, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) in the half-year were also 87.6 % above the previous year’s level (half-year 2020: EUR 15.5 million).

According to the company, all companies in the core and growth regions achieved an increase in sales and earnings in the first six months compared to the previous year. In addition, Group sales increased compared to 2020 despite the ongoing pandemic and more difficult raw material procurement.

Price increases and supply bottlenecks

On the one hand, Uzin Utz was able to report record figures, but on the other hand the company is having to cope with massive price increases and supply bottlenecks, which have been gathering pace since December 2020. “The forecast assumes that further uncertainties in procurement prices will remain and that the supply situation will be challenging in all manufacturing companies,” says Heinz Leibundgut, member of the board of Uzin Utz, responsible for finance and management of the associated companies.

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