Wacker focuses on silicone specialities and builds production site in the Czech Republic

Wacker is building a new production site for silicone specialities in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), investing a three-digit million euro amount, creating around 200 jobs by 2028 and aiming to strengthen its strategic position in key industries such as electromobility and medical technology.

Wacker-Vorstandsmitglied Christian Kirsten, Panattoni-Landesdirektor Pavel Sovička, Accolade-Entwicklungsleiter Jiří Stránský, Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Karlsbad Andrea Pfeffer Ferklová und stellvertretender Landes-hauptmann der Region Karlsbad Vojtěch Franta legten beim ersten Spatenstich für den neuen Produktionsstandort in Karlsbad Hand an (v.l.n.r.). Source: Panattoni

Wacker aims to strengthen its strategic focus on the production of silicone specialties by building a new production site in Europe. Last week, the chemical company, along with project partners and representatives from the city and regional authorities, symbolically broke ground for the new facility in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Starting at the end of 2025, Wacker will produce room-temperature curing high-performance silicones, and from 2028, high-temperature curing solid silicones in Karlovy Vary. According to the company, these silicones will be used in future technologies such as electromobility, the health and medical technology sector, and grid expansion. Investments in the low hundreds of millions of euros are planned. In the first expansion phase, up to 200 new jobs will be created in Karlovy Vary. By establishing a new site for silicone specialties, the WACKER Group is once again expanding its position as a solution provider for customers in key industries.

The new site will complement Wacker’s existing integrated production sites in Burghausen and Nünchritz, Germany. The company is thus also creating important conditions to further optimize its production processes. According to the company, the European production network will become even more flexible.

20,000 tonnes of silicones per year

The focus of the new site in Karlovy Vary will be on the production of room-temperature curing specialty silicones. Later, high-temperature curing silicone compounds will also be manufactured here. Wacker will invest a total amount in the low hundreds of millions of euros in Karlovy Vary and create around 200 jobs by 2028. At full capacity, the site is expected to deliver over 20,000 tons of silicones per year. The production of room-temperature curing solid silicone rubber will start at the end of 2025, and high-temperature curing solid silicones will be produced in Karlovy Vary from 2028.

According to Wacker, Karlovy Vary offers ideal conditions for silicone production. “The proximity to Burghausen and Pilsen, the comparatively low energy costs in the region, and the good availability of qualified employees made the decision very easy for us in the end,” said Christian Kirsten.

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