Weilburger Coatings takes over operational business from Paint Systems

As per January 01, 2023, Weilburger Coatings GmbH will take over the operational business of Paint Systems’ industrial coatings range focusing on the segments automotive and commercial vehicles.

From left: Frank Gläser Image source: Weilburger.

In this cooperation, Paint Systems GmbH, with its many years of know-how in the automotive and automotive supplier industry, is continuing the further development of innovative coating systems with close technical support from Weilburger Coatings.

Strategic expansion of the portfolio

The strategic expansion of the portfolio, especially in the product areas shock absorbers, gas springs, axles, drive shafts, windscreen wipers and other components is thus not only ensured but further expanded through the global sales network of Weilburger Coatings.

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