Antonio Riggio new Operations Manager of Inkmakers Tecnopails
With over 30 years’ experience, Riggio, is a recognised figure in the filling, bottling and packaging-equipment industry. Previously sales director of Weightpack, the newly appointed Operations Manager has held a series of top-managerial posts spanning renowned companies; SMI Group, Berchi Group, Lanfranchi Group, Corazza (Sympak Group) and Simonazzi (Sasib Group).
Customised plant systems and equipment
Located in Piacenza, in northern Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region, Tecnopails’s production team design, manufacture, distribute and service customised plant systems and equipment for the ink, paint and coatings, food and speciality-chemicals industries, supplying customers directly as well as supporting all of Inkmaker Group’s brands.
Antonio Riggio succeeds Luigi Lavelli who as former owner of Tecnopails continues in an advisory role.