Career start with social distancing: Almost 30 trainees start at Remmers

The new cohort of trainees at Remmers started their careers. However, the start was also determined by the coronavirus pandemic this year.

A photo session with the prospective chemical technicians Image source: Remmers

In times like these, apprenticeships start differently than usual: The first working day of the total of 27 young men and women starting their professional careers at Remmers began with a COVID-19 test This meant that they had already experienced more than the previous year’s training cohort, which had to forego a joint kick-off event due to the Corona pandemic.

Eight different training occupations

But this time, too, the Remmers junior staff was welcomed in two groups with an appropriate hygiene concept: the commercial job starters by trainer Annika Thomes, the chemical laboratory assistants by trainer and BRIfA (Bernhard Remmers Institut für Analytik) managing director Andreas Tewes as well as by the corresponding trainers of the technical professions. In addition, the training mentors from previous years received their respective mentee.

The young adults are trained in a total of eight different trades at Remmers. First, the prospective industrial clerks, the one-year interns, the graduates of a dual study program as well as an e-commerce clerk and a media designer were given insights into the company. This was followed by the future chemical laboratory assistants, chemical technicians, a building materials tester and two mechatronics engineers.

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