Sharon Harte first female President of the BCF

At the 2023 Annual Conference, the British Coatings Federation (BCF) has elected the first female President in its 111-year history.

Guy Williams handing the BCF Presidential gong to Sharon Harte.  Image source: BCF.

Over 150 senior business leaders and decision-makers from the UK’s paints, coatings and printing ink  sectors gathered in Derby for the 2023 British Coatings Federation (BCF) Annual Conference. The conference also marked the close of current BCF President Guy Williams’ two-year tenure, with the baton being passed to incoming President, Sharon Harte of Dacrylate Paints.

“Significant challenges ahead”

Commenting on her appointment, Sharon Harte said that she was looking forward to serving the for the next two years and supporting the BCF team.“I would like to personally thank Guy for his fantastic leadership throughout his presidency which  must be one of the most turbulent periods in the industry’s history. Looking forward, the BCF, like many others, will face significant challenges ahead. However, the BCF is continuing to punch above its weight on key issues such as UK REACH, Net Zero, and changes to packaging and building regulations.”

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