Anisotropic dispersion promoting and passivation protecting on epoxy anticorrosive coatings

Researchers found that the addition of cardanol-modified Janus nanosheets with Zn2+ to epoxy anti-corrosion coatings significantly improves their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance

The research proves that the CA@JNs@Zn2+ Janus nanocomposite at a content of 0.2 % effectively increases the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the coating. Source: Valentin -

Defects in the curing process of epoxy coatings tend to deteriorate the anticorrosion performance of the coatings. An important way to enhance the anticorrosion performance of epoxy coatings is to add flaky fillers. In this paper, anisotropic Janus nanosheets (JNs) were prepared and modified by cardanol (CA) and Zn2+. Then, the obtained CA@JNs@Zn2+ Janus composite nanosheets were introduced into epoxy coatings. When the content of CA@JNs@Zn2+ is 0.2 %, the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the coating were effectively improved.

Event Tip: Anticorrosive Coatings

What principles determine the corrosion of metals and how can protective coatings help to prevent corrosion? In this tutorial, the basics of electrochemical processes will be explained, and typical ingredients and formulation features of corrosion protection coatings will be presented and discussed. We will answer these questions online on 05 Sep 2024 in the EC Short Course “Introduction to Anticorrosive Coatings”.

The tensile strength of 0.2 %-CA@JNs@Zn2+/EP coating is 79 % higher than that of pure epoxy coating. The EIS analysis showed that the low-frequency impedance of the coating remained as high as 16.45 Gohm·cm2 after 35 days of immersion, and remained above 10 Gohm·cm2 during the whole immersion period, which demonstrating the optimal corrosion resistance. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the preliminary application of Janus material in the field of anticorrosion, and the prepared composite coatings are expected to be used for anticorrosion in harsh environment.

Source: Progress in Organic Coatings Volume 185, December 2023, 107913

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