Hexion announces innovation challenge

Hexion in collaboration with Innoget, is offering an exclusive opportunity for individuals and teams to submit technical proposals based on new renewable resins and raw materials that can be used to formulate more sustainable, lower yellowing coatings. 

The challenge focuses on leveraging innovative technologies and formulations. Image source: fancycrave1 - Pixabay (symbol image).

The open innovation challenge — “Create the Future with Lower Yellowing, Renewable Resins and Raw Materials” — focuses on leveraging innovative technologies and formulations for novel coating applications that reduce greenhouse gas emissions through longer life and single layer coatings.

“Hexion is committed to developing products that meet our customers’ needs, enhance safe applications, protect the environment and benefit society,” said Craig Rogerson, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hexion. “The innovation challenge provides an opportunity for thought leaders within the open innovation community, research centres, universities, individual research and development leaders, and companies of all sizes to help commercialise renewable solutions for lower yellowing technologies. By working together to accelerate innovation, we can accelerate the development of more sustainable high-performance resins for anticorrosive coating applications.

Winning proposal will be awarded 5,000 EUR

Specifically, the open innovation challenge is seeking lower yellowing, renewable resins and raw materials, including potential solutions that are in the initial stages of development, that enable commercialisation of coating resins and formulations with sustainable attributes. 

Applicants are invited to submit their proposals via the Innoget platform https://hexionsustainablechallenge.innoget.com until 30 June, 2021. A panel of Hexion experts will evaluate the submitted proposals and select up to five candidate submissions by August 31, 2021. The proposals will be evaluated based on the technology’s potential impact, creativity, technical feasibility, environmental impact and performance. The winning proposal will be announced in September 2021 and awarded 5,000 EUR, as well as the opportunity to co-develop the innovation technology solution with Hexion. 

Interested participants can learn more about the criteria, eligibility and submission requirements at https://hexionsustainablechallenge.innoget.com/.

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