Interview: “Higher speed in research and development”

“Digitalization, in combination with machine learning, enables accelerated and broader screening capability with ultimate precision leading to higher speed in research and development and securing intellectual property,” says Detlef Gysau, vice president business development at Chemspeed Technologies.

Detlef Gysau
We spoke to Detlef Gysau

What are the advantages of High ThroughputExperimentation (HTE) plants?

Detlef Gysau: A HTE plant provides various benefits to theindustry. Digitalisation, in combination with machine learning, enablesaccelerated and broader screening capability with ultimate precision leading tohigher speed in research & development and securing intellectual property.Also, earlier market entry boosts revenue development and leadership ininnovation.

Inaddition, HTE plants allow reallocation of highly skilled lab personnel toother – more value-added tasks – and contribute to safety and health byreducing the contact to possible harmful substances. Finally, a much smallerscale of sample sizes cuts the raw material and waste turnover in the lab for amore sustainable working environment.

For which types of formulations are theyparticularly suitable?

Gysau: HTE solutions are suitable for water- andsolvent-based formulations, zero to high pigment volume concentration (pvc)formulations, 1-pack and 2-pack formulations, curing mechanisms at roomtemperature, heat activated, UV/IR initiated, etc.

As theglobal market leader of HTE, we create, develop and deliver full workflow application-orientedsolutions. With our unique blending vessel and robotic tool exchange technologyincluding unrivaled overhead gravimetric dispensing in the mg range forliquids, viscous liquids, powders and granules, even during mixing anddispersing, we offer formulation solutions without compromise.

Can a HTE plant be adapted to any kind ofscale, regardless of company size or production capacities?

Gysau: Different platforms offer solutions toautomate formulation, application, characterisation and testing, as well as anycombination thereof. These solutions are available, as benchtop and singleplatforms to be combined and connected to complex systems with a high degree offlexibility plus integration options for third-party instruments. The HTEplant can be configured from very small sample sizes up to small pilot scalesizes. Customers simply need to define their specific requirements and goals toget a system configured accordingly.

Event tip

Detlef Gysau will also present at the EC Conference Automation on June 22 and 23 in Stuttgart, Germany. The event with presentations and a field trip addresses decision makers and users in laboratories fordevelopment and quality control as well as production. It will giveimpulses for daily work as well as perspectives from the academicenvironment.

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