New eBook: Automation in Coatings Production

While the automation of processes can ensure higher efficiency, the question arises how this affects the coatings industry. A new eBook shows what is already automatable and how the coatings industry can learn from other branches to make production more efficient and future-ready.

automation in coatings production
The new eBook will give you important tips to make use of automation solutions in paint production. -

Peter van den Berg and his team have already embraced this aspect of automation by using not only a 3D printer to make disposable applicators but also a robotic interface to automate the inspection process in the paint production and so substantially reduce its carbon footprint.

Klaus West examines whether digitization and simultaneous automation in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries jeopardize jobs, how these are changing and what skills we will need to acquire today to safeguard future careers.

All in all, this eBook is a compilation of different, trend-setting articles regarding e. g. the important role of planning in the development of new paint-making systems, a consistent product quality in a fully automated, continous coating production or process adjustments in dispersing pigments and fillers.

The ebook is abailable at the European Coatings Book Store.  

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