After a one-year construction period: Frei Lacke puts new administration building into operation

The previously two-storey building has been extended by a further floor and will in future offer space for 70 employees of the commercial departments on 1407m2.

FreiLacke has put its new administration building into operation.

FreiLacke has put its new administration building into operation. Image source: FreiLacke.


According to the company, growth in recent years has made investments in infrastructure and buildings unavoidable.

After the expansion of the powder coating production with logistics centre and warehouse was ceremonially opened in September 2019, the new administration building has now also been officially commissioned. “Like the entire company, the commercial departments have also grown in terms of personnel and have slowly reached their limits in terms of department sizes. An expansion of the administration building was therefore brought forward in the investment plans and implemented quickly and successfully,” says Managing Director Dr Rainer Frei.

“Professional cooperation in a spirit of partnership”

“We had an intensive planning phase with architects, specialist planners and the departments in the analysis of requirements. In the end, the project was implemented very quickly and on schedule thanks to the professional cooperation in a spirit of partnership,” says project manager Sandra Gehringer, summarising the course of the project.

Plans for modernising the adjacent start-up building have already been drawn up and will be implemented in due course.

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