Bio-based coatings at the European Coatings Show Conference

The digital European Coatings Show Conference will take place in September. With lectures on energy curable bio-based polyurethanes, green monomers or coatings based on starch and many similar topics, there will be a focus on bio-based raw materials.

Sustainable green bio-based paint
The path towards a more bio-based coatings industry is just starting. Image source: New Africa -

The trend away from classic oleochemicals towards renewable alternatives is picking up pace. At this year’s European Coatings Show Conference an own session will focus on bio-based raw materials. In this session on 14 September, attendees will be able to listen to lectures on CNSL-based epoxy curing agents, green monomers, starch-based coatings, radiation cured bio-based coatings and much more.

As the number of submitted papers with a connection to bio-based coatings was too large to put all presentations in just one session, you will also find talks on bio-based coatings in other sessions. One lecture, for example, will be in the session on water-borne coatings on 14 September where will you get input on tall oil fatty acids as bio-based building block for alkyd emulsions. A complete list of all sessions and lectures can be found at the official conference programme.

Registration is open and is available at the conference website.

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