Coatings industry fears border delays and UK REACH

The coatings industry has expressed significant concerns about border delays and separating from European chemical regulations ahead of a "no deal” Brexit, in a new survey by the industry body, the British Coatings Federation (BCF).

London Underground logo with
The British Coatings Federation (BCF) has surveyed its members on the potential impact of a "no deal" Brexit. Source: TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay. -

BCF members have huge concerns over delays at the border, with 80% saying this was what worried them most. Moreover, 82% have expressed concerns over new UK chemical regulations, which will be needed in the event the UK does not have access to the European Chemicals Agency.

Other major concerns included the cost and availability of raw materials, and tariff and non-tariff costs relating to additional bureaucracy and administrative costs related to a “no deal” Brexit. When asked about longer term impacts, the number one issue was being treated as a third country by ECHA, therefore requiring the UK to have its own duplicate system to register chemicals.

90% of respondents want to see tariff-free access to the EU market

Other additional impacts listed were the possibility of reduction of trade with the EU, the UK being a less attractive manufacturing base, and additional costs of doing business. Over 90% of respondents want to see tariff-free access to the EU market and free movement of goods. 88% of respondents want the UK to stay within EU REACH and the EU regulatory framework, and 83% want to see regulatory equivalence between the UK and the EU for chemicals. 

Event tip

Ellen Daniels from the British Coatings Federation will speak about Brexit and its impact on the European Coatings Regulatory Forum on November 27 and 28 in Brussels. Other topics of the conference include titanium dioxide, diisocyanates, poison centres and much more.

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