Eight million euro project: Meffert expands storage capacity at company headquarters in Bad Kreuznach

Meffert AG Farbwerke is expanding its storage capacity with a 6,500 square meter warehouse in Bad Kreuznach.

A graphic of the new building in Bad Kreuznach.
The new building project is intended to strengthen the company location Bad Kreuznach. Image source: Meffert. -

The building will also include an office floor and 100 square meters for the fitness and health of the employees. Recently, the board of directors of the family-owned company broke ground with guests from politics and business. The construction work is scheduled for completion by autumn 2020.

Total capacity of 30,000 pallet spaces

The eight-million-euro project is a major investment designed to strengthen the Bad Kreuznach company location. It will create 6,000 additional pallet spaces in the high-bay warehouse and 1,296 pallet spaces in the flow storage area. In addition, 1,320 shelves will enable the dispatch of small quantities.

With a total capacity of 30,000 pallet spaces at the Bad Kreuznach site, Meffert AG intends to meet the increased requirements for the availability of goods and fast delivery of products.

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