Five facts about the Austrian coatings market

The chemical industry is one of the most vital branches of industry in Austria. An important part of which is the paints and coatings industry. We have compiled five facts about the Austrian coatings market.

Fünf Fakten über den Lack- und Farbenmarkt in Österreich. Bildquelle: kmit -
Fünf Fakten über den Lack- und Farbenmarkt in Österreich. Bildquelle: kmit - -

In 2018 a mixed picture for the paint and coatings industry in Austria energed, as the FCIO, the Association of the Chemical Industry, announced. Despite a good economy, raw material costs, price wars and the shortage of skilled workers posed challenges for the industry. 

Market size

The Austrian paint market is estimated at a total value of 478 million EUR and is therefore an important part of the chemical industry in Austria.


Companies and employees

In Austria there are around 40 companies that produce lacquers and paints. Many of them are medium-sized or small companies. But with Tiger Coatings, an Austrian company is also part of our ranking of the 25 largest paint manufacturers.


The paint industry employs almost 3000 people.


Per capita consumption

The consumption per capita in Austria is estimated at 21 kg. This is very similar to its neighbour Germany, where 11 kg of decorative paints, 7 kg of industrial paints and 3 kg of printing inks are used.


Import and export

Foreign trade is an important pillar. Exports of around 260 million which account to almost 35% of total turnover.


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