Golden Gate Capital acquires Active Minerals International

Golden Gate Capital, a private equity investment firm, announced that it has completed the acquisition of Active Minerals International (AMI) from Merit Capital Partners.

AMI will continue to be led by its current managementteam, including President and Chief Executive OfficerDennis Parker. Management will retain a significantownership stake in the business. Financial terms of thetransaction were not disclosed. “We are excited topartner with Golden Gate Capital, who is fully alignedwith our long-term strategic vision and has ademonstrated track record of building long-term valuefor its portfolio companies,” said Mr. Parker.

About Active Minerals International (AMI)

Founded in 1964, AMI is a global producer anddistributor of specialty industrial minerals, includingkaolin and gel quality attapulgite clay minerals. AMIis headquartered in Sparks, Maryland and has regionaloffices in China, Taiwan, Mexico and Australia. TheCompany’s products are sold globally for industrial,agricultural and construction-related applications.

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