Graphene: Successful with new corrosion protection formula
The discovery of graphene in 2004 was met with great enthusiasm in many fields. Its potential for coatings has also been widely discussed in the industry. Jiangsu Toppen Technology has tested the usage in high corrosion protection paints.
The Chinese coatings start-up has developed a new corrosion protection formula based on a special graphene type, reducing the standard zinc content by two thirds while maintaining the high corrosion protection of a formulation with of 80 % zinc. The new corrosion protection formula allows to skip the intermediate coat, using a fluorocarbon top coat, while fulfilling the requirements for CM5 corrosive environment. Haiyan Zhou President of Jiansgu Toppen Technology says: “The special graphene type of The Sixth Element not only allows us to reduce the zinc amount in our anti-corrosion primer significantly, but also to offer our customers a very cost effective corrosion protection system with only two coatings necessary.”