Hubergroup as the main partner at the C2C Congress 2020

By participating as a main participant in the Cradle to Cradle Congress, Hubergroup wants to highlight the importance of sustainability and environmental protection.

Dr. Lars Hancke
Dr. Lars Hancke -

“We are aware of our social responsibility and see it as our task to not only optimise our own products and processes, but also to pass on this knowledge and to do a bit of educational work,” says Heiner Klokkers, the chairman of the hubergroup’s board of management.

The international Cradle to Cradle Congress (C2C) was held for the sixth time this year. It is increasingly becoming a mandatory stop for all those who want to establish a real circular economy according to the C2C set of rules. The contributions of renowned representatives from economics, science, education, politics and society made it clear that environmental protection and economic growth are in no way mutually exclusive, but rather can enter into a meaningful symbiosis. In Berlin, the printing ink manufacturer presented innovative ideas and projects as a pioneer and important contact in the printing ink sector.

“An issue that affects us all”

“Sustainability is an issue that affects us all. We can really do something if we all pull together and change the market permanently. The C2C Congress was an important platform for us to communicate and network with strategic partners. We see ourselves not only as a technology leader that deals with its competitors in the world of printing inks, but also as an influencer that has followers in all areas of society and not just in the printing industry,” says Bernd Groh, Global Product & Portfolio Manager SF/UV Hubergroup, in closing.

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