Interview: “New additive products are focused on more versatile products”

Even though additives only make for small amounts in the formulation, they are critical components of coatings and inks. We spoke to Petra Lenz, Technical Support Manager Paint Additives at Byk-Chemie, about trends in additives.

Where do see you general trends influencing the market for additives?

Petra Lenz: There are two main drivers in the market are chemical regulations and environmental aspects. These are initiators for developments of more and more water-based and solvent-free systems. Our new additive introductions during the last years are focused on additives for water-based systems without losing quality of the coatings like water resistance. On the other hand, it is possible to create new structures of high molecular weight W&D additives with lower viscosity. These are not necessarily diluted in any solvents and therefor suitable for solvent-free systems like UV curable systems or high solids.

What is currently in the focus of R&D regarding wetting and dispersing additives? In how far is multifunctionality a trend?


Petra Lenz

Technical Support Manager Paint Additives, Byk-Chemie

Lenz: New additive products are focused on more versatile products. On the other hand, specialists for highest quality systems are also needed.

Multifunctionality is more discussed in the range of surface additives. Wetting and Dispersing additives are always multifunctional: wetting (reduction of surface tension differences), dispersing (reduction of viscosity/Newtonian flow in the mill base/deflocculation of the pigments), stabilisation (increased performance, gloss, hiding power, ……).

You will be the speaker the European Coatings Seminar Wetting and Dispersing Additives on 22 May in Amsterdam. What can participants expect?

Lenz: On the agenda is a general lecture with a lot of basics about the process, additive structures and  stabilisation mechanisms. In the second step, test methods will be discussed. And last but not least examples for a lot of different systems will be presented.

Event tip

In the European Coatings Seminar Wetting and Dispersing Additives on 22 May in Amsterdam you will learn how wetting and dispersing additives work.

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