Market study carbon black

The market researchers of Ceresana examined the global carbon black market already for the third time. They expect a positive development of carbon black demand until 2025: an increase to a total volume of over 15 million tonnes.

The industry in the region Asia-Pacific accounted for more than 62% of total global carbon black consumption in 2017. Due to above-average growth rates, its market share will increase to about 65% until 2025. In Asia, China is by far the major consumer of carbon black utilizing 4.7 million tonnes. Ceresana forecasts another growth of Chinese demand for the years to come. The region accounting for the second highest carbon black demand in 2017 was North America, followed closely by Western Europe.

Globally Rising Production

Production of carbon black increases all over the world. The region Asia-Pacific is not only leader in consumption but also in production: More than 64% of the total amount of carbon black produced in 2017 was manufactured in this region. North America ranked second at a considerable distance, followed by Eastern Europe. Due to an increase in capacity of over 1.5 million tonnes, mainly in China and India, the region Asia-Pacific will continue to increase its production – presumably to more than 10 million tonnes in 2025.

No Tires Without Carbon Black

By far, the most important application area of carbon black are tires. They are mainly made of the rubber types SBR, BR, and natural rubber. A major part of carbon black demand is thus accounted for by these elastomer types. Around 9 million tonnes were processed in tires worldwide in 2017. Rubber products for industry and construction ranked second.

Carbon Black is processed in a wide range of products that are used in the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, the construction industry as well as the electrical and electronics industry. Products include conveyor belts, roll coverings, tubes, profiles, seals, cables, moldings, and roofing foils. The use of Carbon Black as a black pigment in printing inks, plastics as well as paints and coatings currently represents only a small share of the total market volume.

The study is available via Ceresana's website.

Bildquelle: Pixabay

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