New book on resins for water-borne coatings

Water-borne coatings are already the standard for many applications and still to continue to get even more important. The new text book Resins for water-borne coatings offers a comprehensive overview on latest resin technology.

On 396 pages the new book on resins for water-borne coatings offers in depth knowledge on basics as well as the latest developments.

The new text book gives readers the opportunity to get fully acquainted with the various aspects of water-borne coatings – from production to properties to special features of their use! With the slow change from solvent-borne resins and coatings to water-borne coatings “Resins for waterborne coatings” is a must-read for any formulator wanting to expand their knowledge.

The authors discuss important aspects of the “solvent-to-water-transition” of the past 40 to 50 years, take a deep dive into the key aspects and theories behind the production, properties and applications of these resins as well as providing an overview of how they are currently used in water-borne coatings.

The book is available in our online shop!

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